
A toolbox with advanced features to automate your service delivery. From project creation and orchestration to smart reporting, a powerful suite of features takes your service to the next level.

Flexible Environment Management Suite
Cloud service / Hosted / Mixed Environment

Refers to ability to have different types of deployments. By default platform is accessible as cloud service, served by Plainsea Azure account.

Custom Domain

Ability to use own custom domain for the platform. By default service is available at portal.plainsea.com (providers only)

White Labelled / Company logo

Ability to use own custom UI theme and Company Logo (providers only).

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Users could use their existing accounts

IP-Whitelisting & Network Access Controls

Ability to restrict access based on user’s IP.

Manage Users

Manage users of the platform. Invite new users.

Manage Tenant Configuration

Manage tenants data and hierarchy

Roles Based Access Control

Predefined user roles

User Assignments Access Control

Access to platform is based on “assignments”. Assignments are inherited hierarchy

AI Powered Writing Assistant

AI Powered assist with pre-written prompts, available in all text edit areas, finetuned to cybersecurity

AI Powered summaries engine

AI Powered summarization. Auto-generated summaries

AI Powered Data analitics

Summary and analysis of meaningful data to support decision making

September Release
GPT Engine integration capabilities

Ability to integrate AI Implementations of choice

Open AI ChatGPT Integration

Ability to integrate ChatGPT

Propriatary GPT Engine

Plainsea GPT engine accessible in the platform

July Release
Dynamic projects configuration

Configure, maintain and change project parameters on the fly, without affecting directly any of the services

Detailed project description

Create free text content related to the project